Societal outreach

As a researcher, I find societal outreach an important and enjoyable aspect of my work. I enjoy participating in public debates, organizing seminars, sharing my knowledge outside of academia, and connecting with public issues. I pay special attention to the accessibility of my communication methods. For instance, I use podcasts and animations that are easy to understand and available to those who do not attend university.  

Popular Science Communication

For instance, at Chalmers all PhD are asked to do a public popular science presentation. While most students do this as part of some of the events in Gothenburg (e.g. Science festival) I choose to develop a podcast version of my work. This makes the science material also accessible to people who cannot attend the event on location. Afterwards I initiated the visualisation of the podcast, which resulted in a explainers video about my work. The visualisation is done by Ben van Wijk who also did this website. The video has been seen in different regions of the world, and people from as far as Australia commented on it.

Besides the podcast and explainer video I have been invited twice for a TEDx talk (Leiden and Amsterdam), provided lectures for design and engineering practices (RHDHV, Liljewall Architects, White Architects), and knowledge institutes (CVA, Leuven, TU Delft, Artez, …). You can see an overview of lectures at Education page. 

Academic service

Review & Editor roles

Advisory roles

As part of the International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Healthcare Services the task force focuses on collecting, developing and sharing knowledge concerning the role of the built environment for HPH. 

In the Swedish HPH network (Nätverket Hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård) I am part of the work group that focuses on the role of the built environment for HPH (Hälsofrämjande Fysisk vårdmiljö). There we are currently working on improving the awareness of the role of the built environment for HPH. We do this by clarifying the core ambition and definitions, collecting and curating relevant literature, and searching for good examples to inspire those working with HPH. We also aim to have the physical environment specifically mentioned in the overall strategic goals. 

In the Netherlands the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)  has been working on the development of more sustainable healthcare organisations and also have paid attention to ‘Architecture, Green Deal Healthcare’. They share examples of good healthcare buildings and provide a background report on the topic. I have been involved as an adviser to the workgroup, provided both lectures, resources and feedback on the development of the background report ‘Green Deal Duurzame Zorg; Architectuur en inrichting en de gezonde zorgomgeving’.

Contributions to publications

Frontpage report Green Deal Duurzame Zorg: Architectuur en de gezonde zorgomgeving.
Image by RIVM

This report also had a follow-up in form of a webinar special. (see video). 

PhD representation

Besides public communication I also represented architecture PhD students in both the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE), as well as in the PhD student guilt of Chalmers University of Technology (DS). As a PhD student representative at the DS I have been involved in helping PHD to right support, contact with DOMB, highlight local issues (with merge, workload, alignment of courses, introduction PhD students; graphic work: websites; movie about study plan evt.


As a representative at ACE I have had diverse roles over the years, amongst them; writing statutes when departments merged, collection needs for doctoral education, speaking out on research misconduct, organising seminars about ethics, organising social event and a PhD research day.


PhD research has been a day to highlight the abundance of PhD educational work at Architecture and Engineering Department at Chalmers. I have had the initiative to develop this research day, and I have helped the development of the idea into an event. This included co-developing a template for all PhD to work in, communicating the ideas and intentions with the PhD students, and the seniors at the Department, and communicating the event on social media.



  • Health Promoting Building Design in Pediatric Healthcare
    Red Noses
  • Health Promotion & Social Sustainability, Built Environment , Older Adults & Living Environments
    Summerschool Avans Hogeschool


  • Desiging care homes
    Dutch Design Week – Embassy of Health
  • Design for Health Promotion & Social Indentities
  • Academie van Bouwkunst Tilburg
  • Health Promoting Building Design in Pediatric Healthcare
    HPH network for children and adolescent care


  • Design for Health Promotion (interactive lecture)
    Chalmers University of Technology
  • 14 Feb –  Design for Health Promotion (interactive lecture)
    Posad Maxwan – Inspiration lecture
  • 7 February – TU Delft – Health Promotive Building Design (lecture and feedback session)
    Designing for Care at MSc Architecture, TU Delft, Delft, NL (Dr. ir. Birgit Jürgenhake)
  •  1 February – Architecture & Health (lecture and workshop)
    Avans Hogeschool, Tilburg & Den Bosch


  • 16 November – Webinar Architectuur en Gezondheid
    RIVM Centrum Gezondheid en Maatschappij – Green Deal Duurzame Zorg (lecture notes)
  • 23 October – Health, Quality of Life and the Built Environment

    Architectural Transformation & Environmental Care Studio at School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, SE

  • October – Lecture Health Promotive Healthcare Architecture
    Healthcare Studio: Future Visions for Healthcare, Housing & Work at School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, SE (Art. Prof. Cristiana Ciara)

  • 9 April 2021 – Designing Spaces for Wellness
    Medstartr Healthcare Innovation (Clubhouse Guest)


  • 3 December 2020 – Health Promotive Healthcare & Building Design
    Local Forum Group, Göteborg, SE (Prof. Helle Wijk)
  • 29 October 2020 – Designing Buildings for Health Promotive Healthcare
    Healthcare Studio: Future Visions for Healthcare, Housing & Work at School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, SE (Art. Prof. Cristiana Ciara)
  • 21 October 2020 – Designing Buildings for Health Promotive Healthcare
    Designing for Care at MSc Architecture, TU Delft, Delft, NL (Dr. ir. Birgit Jürgenhake)
  • 14 October 2020 – Health Promotive Building Design – Directives for the Swedish HPH network
    Webinar for Swedish Health Promotive Healthcare Network (HFS), SE (Prof. Margareta Kristenson)

2019 (not updated)

Table of Contents